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Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


http://arin.net - The American Registry for Internet Numbers
http://icann.org - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
DNS - Domain Name Server
DNS Servers across the internet keep records of hosted Domain Names and Internet Protocol Addresses.
ISP - Internet Service Provider
Access to residential and business users across the internet.
(DSL) Digital Subscriber LineACP BenefitAmerica OnlineCableDial Up - 28.8, 33.6 56KFiber OpticSatelliteWifi (Wireless)

Dial Up

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modulator/demodulator device converts data from digital form to analog form send over analog telephone network.

Dial-up connections are one type of Internet connection available from ISPs, they are the slowest and (usually) the most inexpensive.
A dial-up connection allows you to connect to the Internet via a local server using a standard modem. Your PC literally dials (hence the name) a phone number (provided by your ISP) and connects to the server and therefore the Internet.
note: In the US the FCC passed a regulation limiting V90 dial-up connections to 53Kbps.
Once connected you can utilise all aspects of the Internet, the drawback with a dial-up connection is the speed. A standard 56k modem can theoretically transfer 56 Kilobits of data a second, this means that you can (again theoretically) transfer up to 7 Kilobytes a second (although to get a full 7k is near impossible due to the compression overhead).
When you consider that the average web page including its images is around 50 Kilobytes, this means it would take around 7 seconds for the web page to completely load in your browser.
On top of this, most (though not all) Internet service providers charge by the minute for your dial-up connection, so the longer it takes to load the pages you visit, the more you pay for your connection. The cost is usually the same as you would pay for a local phone call, so as long as they are used sensibly they can be a very cost effective Internet connection.

AT&T Fiber LogoAT&T Internet - Lets get you connected; Phones & Devices, Wireless, Internet, Prepaid

Verizon Business - The best Broadband and Voice products, solutions and services in support of Americas growing Small & Medium Business community. Verizon Fios uses powerful technology to help you run your business. Its 100% fiber-optic network delivers the fastest internet and Wi-Fi available, 99.9% network reliability and the bandwidth built to power multiple devices at once. Fios technology is flexible enough to support businesses of all sizes with a wide range of Internet, TV and Phone packages based on your needs.

Nomad Internet - We are focused on providing High-Speed wireless Internet to rural and traveling communities nationwide!

VPN - Virtual Private Network
Atlas VPN - The free VPNs field. It is set out to be the first trustworthy free VPN that has already audited and verified by cybersecurity experts.

VPN HideMy.Name - Founded in 2006 and is a leading service provider, offering users the most convenient and comfortable access to VPN services.

NordVPN - A leading VPN service provider considered the fastest in the market.

Surfshark VPN - Privacy protection platform has VPN, Antivirus.

Unlocator VPN - Smart DNS and VPN technology to provide secure, fast, and unrestricted internet access.

PureVPN : UNLOCK THE BEST VPN DEALPureVPN - Online security and privacy by using a virtual private network (VPN).

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